Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Capital letter font sheet

Well this is the font Ive created so far. Next week will be all the rest =). It may look sloppy but I was actually trying to create a font that was very "lavalamp"-ish and I think I accomplished that.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Video Upload #1

First video i made this qtr =)
I set out to accomplish an awesome blood drip effect here using photoshop and flash.
Although i used these awesome brushes i found...creating the effect took FOREVER!
I really like how this ended up comming out...not bad for a 17 second video eh?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Pop the Blog cherry

Hmm a short bio on me huh?....I dont theres enough room on here for a bio on me...but here are a few highlights to keep Brian Martin happy. Ive had my hands in pretty much any aspect of the art community you can think of. Im everything from a musician to an "old lady crafting" person and everything in between. Im currently persuing a degree in Digital Desgin at Pierce College...and thus why this blog is even here...cuz uhm...not one for it myself >.>....